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Click here to enterHello there, this week on Five on Friday, it's all about yarn. There are a few WIP's (work in progress), a finish and some hand cream to help with the knitting.
I usually have several projects waiting to be worked on - a washcloth, a garment and a pair of socks are the main ones. If I crochet a blanket, or join the knit a knit-a-long for Lent or Advent, that changes things. I also have a cross stitch waiting to be finished too. It's simpler to concentrate on 2 or 3 and leave the rest waiting.
1) Blue Jumper - originally knitted in mauve acrylic. I was persuaded by the yarn shop (many years ago), to knit this in a cheaper yarn. I was inexperienced at choosing materials and felt that it was a poor choice. My tension was likely very loose as it was far too big. I've started again in the correct yarn content 50/50 cotton & wool... it's lovely yarn, soft but holding its shape. You do need to concentrate on the pattern, as there's lots of counting throughout.
2) Purple Washcloth - A finish, knitted in 100% Rico cotton. A good project for taking to Knit & Natter.
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Click here to enter2) Mackerel Pate - Having IBS and also wanting to eat less processed food, I tend to make a lot of my own simple creations. Though I like mushroom pate and course peppercorn pate (from when I worked for Waitrose around 30 yrs ago), I don't like the idea of making traditional liver pate. I do eat liver, I just don't want to blitz it all up.
I found this very simple recipe of Mackerel Pate that mixes very quickly with a fork. The chives can be swapped for the green tops of spring onions, also extra lemon juice instead of the vinaigrette if wanted. It keeps for a few days in the fridge and can be used up, on top of a jacket potato.
3) Sourdough starter - Fed and fermenting ready for Friday's pizza. After rising to over double its height, it's now mixed up as a dough and the starter put back in the fridge. It has had 4 'lift and folds' in the large covered bowl and will now sit in the warm lounge until the morning. Then be placed in the fridge until I'm ready to divide it between 2 pizza plates, topping it with ingredients after an hour. It will be delicious.
The book that I follow is The Sourdough Whisperer by Elaine Boddy link to see inside. Elaine Fodbod on Instagram is very helpful, any queries, she is sure to help if she can.
4) Hot Chocolate in my special mug - Not a homemade recipe but a tasty instant hot chocolate drink, free of gums and other UPF (ultra processed food). It may still have one ingredient that others object to, but I'm happy with it. It's all about reducing processed food, not making life difficult.
A few years ago I bought myself a crochet mug from the yarn shop - for my Christmas stocking. Last December I bought the matching crochet tin. You could store anything inside of course, a biscuit or maybe some clips to hold your work together whilst you sew up your work. I chose the later.
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