Friday, 14 February 2025

In My Kitchen :: Five on Friday

Hello there, I hope you are all ok. 
This week my Five on Friday mostly revolves around food. It has been cold, wet and grey recently with few spells of sunshine. I'm still enjoying the Movement to Music group, I've persuaded my neighbour to join in, so we travel together. You need your wits about you as the start up exercises wake up your brain. When the music starts, it gets easier each week as you remember the routines. I have the songs on Spotify, so can play / practice odd bits during the week ha ha. 

1) On my table - Daffodils bring cheer inside, beautiful delicate golden trumpets, so elegant. This vase (probably from a charity shop) causes arguments over its colour. I say green, others say blue. Having looked at yarn colour bands, it's probably Jade. What do you think?

2) Mackerel Pate - Having IBS and also wanting to eat less processed food, I tend to make a lot of my own simple creations. Though I like mushroom pate and course peppercorn pate (from when I worked for Waitrose around 30 yrs ago), I don't like the idea of making traditional liver pate. I do eat liver, I just don't want to blitz it all up. 
I found this very simple recipe of Mackerel Pate that mixes very quickly with a fork. The chives can be swapped for the green tops of spring onions, also extra lemon juice instead of the vinaigrette if wanted. It keeps for a few days in the fridge and can be used up, on top of a jacket potato.  

3) Sourdough starter - Fed and fermenting ready for Friday's pizza. After rising to over double its height, it's now mixed up as a dough and the starter put back in the fridge. It has had 4 'lift and folds' in the large covered bowl and will now sit in the warm lounge until the morning. Then be placed in the fridge until I'm ready to divide it between 2 pizza plates, topping it with ingredients after an hour. It will be delicious. 
The book that I follow is The Sourdough Whisperer by Elaine Boddy link to see inside. Elaine Fodbod on Instagram is very helpful, any queries, she is sure to help if she can. 

4) Hot Chocolate in my special mug - Not a homemade recipe but a tasty instant hot chocolate drink, free of gums and other UPF (ultra processed food). It may still have one ingredient that others object to, but I'm happy with it. It's all about reducing processed food, not making life difficult. 
A few years ago I bought myself a crochet mug from the yarn shop - for my Christmas stocking. Last December I bought the matching crochet tin. You could store anything inside of course, a biscuit or maybe some clips to hold your work together whilst you sew up your work. I chose the later. 

5) Gluten Free Cheese Straws - Sadly this recipe booklet is no longer available and not on the Dove Freee site online either. These are quick and easy to make, I always make double and happily take 2 or 3 as lunch if I'm out for the morning. I use Dove's plain flour which contains a blend of flour. I've since purchased Dove Freee Cookbook from Amazon (I think), the recipe wasn't in there either. 

I'm finding that many Gluten Free recipes use Xanthan Gum including Dove Freee recipes. I'll let you google how these Ultra Processed Food ingredients affect some people. Also it's interesting to note that they aren't actually food either, It's shocking! 
For gluten free baking, I can of course understand how all the gums and other ingredients can mimic gluten, stopping that crumbly texture... but I actually like the crumbly texture in cakes and biscuits/cookies. Regular cakes can stick around teeth, after years not eating gluten and now limiting it considerably, that's how I prefer baked goods. 

Incidentally the sourdough bread and pizza is made with regular wheat flour. The Whole process of fermenting the wheat slowly, ensures it's easier on digestion and therefore better for Ibs sufferers. Alana from the A Little Bit Yummy website has lots to say about this. She is another very helpful lady with lots of delicious recipes... I have her cookbook too.  
Well that's a wrap for my Five on Friday, have a lovely weekend.
Ttfn (ta ta for now). 
Cathy x



  1. Enjoyed reading your post this morning! Such bright and cheery flowers. Over the Internet, the vase does look blue to me but if it's blue/green perhaps the yellow flowers are impacting the color. Of course, colors always look a bit different on-line. I do see green near the bottom though. We buy sourdough bread though I've never been brave enough to attempt making it. Super cute mug. Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. True colour on-line can be a tricky. The sourdough baking started last year, mostly because I find it healthier but we also had a competition with the WI. Though I didn't win, it spurred me on to improve.

  2. I'd say the vase is a bluey green, definitely more on the green side. Daffodils really brighten up these dull days of winter. I like to have flowers in the house at this time of year, it's tulips for me at the moment.

    1. Tulips are such gorgeous flowers, I love to see them. I take photos of the church flowers and post them on the Facebook page. People thank me but it wasn't hard, as I love the flowers ha ha.

  3. The mackerel pate sounds delicious. I think I'll be borrowing that recipe :)
    Also, you've given me the nudge to try another sourdough starter. Who knows, it could be third time lucky. Xx

    1. I hope you enjoy the pate. All the best with the sourdough, it really is a learning curve.

  4. Thank you for sharing the cheery daffodils, they made me smile. The vase looks more blue to me but in a different light it could have some green hues as well.
    Mackeral and chive pate with crusty bread - delicious.

  5. Oh the daffodils are so pretty and make me feel springy, even if the weather isn't. The vase looks blue to me, but sometimes on computers colors just don't quite show up right. Purple I think is the worst color for that. LOVE your coffee mug....that's awesome. Spotted you on a mutual friends blog and thought I'd pop in for a visit. It's always fun to meet new bloggers. Stay warm!

    1. Welcome Sandy, thank you for visiting. Online colours are tricky, they never look right. Take care, have a good weekend.

  6. so many good recipes!! I would love to try new dishes but I am so tempted by the tried and true!!

    1. I tend to stick to the same regular menu, every now and then I'll try something new. I tend to adapt recipes to ingredients that I have and can eat.


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