Sunday, 20 January 2019

QT's Birthday 18 years

Hello there, how are you? Thank you for your comments last time.
This week was QT's birthday, I'll let him tell you about his wander round the garden, which I think he enjoyed, despite his grumblings.

I'm 18 years old which is rather old in cat years, geriatric they say. Personally I think that's rather rude! I've ruled this family very well since I was 14.5 years old, it only took me 2 weeks to get them into shape. I think I'm doing ok but my people do insist on stuffing me in my a cage and dragging me off to see 'the lady to make me better' far too often! I'm mean, how's a cat to sleep when people push me in the carrier, tip me on a table, then poke me about, clip my nails and have my blood pressure checked - I hate my feet being touched too! It's the worst thing ever. Biscuit lady hates feet too but that doesn't stop her stroking my feet. Unfortunately us Maine Coons have fur between our toes and she loves it.
Anyway where were we, I'm fine, not at all fussy despite their complaints. I'm cleanish and run this household on a very strict timescale. I sometimes stay asleep and have a late dinner but if I do pop downstairs early, I get quite cross having to wait for my food, it's so tiresome to be kept waiting!

Today, I was bundled out the door for a quick photo shoot. Shocking, it's my lunch time really but I was sent out and pestered for my good side. It's a bright sunny cold Sunday 'lunchtime' don't forget. Still, I'm here for you dear reader, strutting my stuff in the wintery sunshine, at lunchtime!

Bird table 'cat tv'

Glossy coat and bushy tail

Chomping on grass

Oh aren't I shiny, biscuit lady always says my fur is like a mint humbug, whatever that is. I wish she used words I understand like lunchtime and biscuits. Still I do have beautiful stripes, she's right about that. I think I'm pretty awesome too!

I'm starting to fade away with hunger pains, it looks like we're going back in now for food, at last!

Whilst my people are preparing my lunch, I found these photos, not yet uploaded on the blog. Don't know why, I love them - oh look it's me!

Superb whiskas and ear furnishings. Well I had a fabulous birthday, plenty of peace and quiet, just how I like it. I can still run up the stairs and jump on chairs, of course I can - I just don't want to.

I've had my lunch now and have just time to fit in an afternoon snooze before dinner time. I think she got my good side zzzzz
QT x

Menus with the slow cooker

These photos are from September 2018, I'd meant to put them on last year. Being on a Low Fodmap diet, I've found replacements for onion, garlic, mushrooms, celery and stock containing onion etc. The purpose of the chart (below) is not because I'm ocd, it's just easier and simpler when I was making up 5 bags of food complete and ready to freeze - defrost - and then slow cook. I don't need to keep referring to recipe books. You can buy freeze to slow cook bags which saves on the washing up but as many are cutting down single use plastic, I question the sense on that one.

Casseroles ready for the freezer
Defrosting overnight

I really need to get back to this time saving habit, it's so nice arriving home without needing to cook. QT was pleased to have us running round after him and feeding him first too.
I hope you've enjoyed your visit to my blog today, I'm off to crochet more of my blanket and prepare for the book club.
Bye from QT and me


  1. A very happy birthday to QT! Enjoyed the photos from his photo shoot very much. I admit to being a bit lazy with those slow cooker bags though when I think about it, they often get tiny holes (probably as I'm taking the meal out of the bag) and I still have to wash the crock pot. Hope you are having a fantastic weekend!

    1. Hi Jean, Thank you. They're not something that I'd buy but I know they are popular. Cx

  2. Awww, QT is a beautiful boy, you wouldn't think he's 18, he looks so handsome and young still. I've never heard of Fodmap before, I had to look that one up, and I didn't know about those freeze to slow cook bags either, it's amazing how much you can learn from blogs.

    1. Hi Jo, Thank you. Yes you're right, I often check out links for more info. The Fodmap testing for IBS is all done through the NHS. It can be done alone but I've suffered far too long now. At the moment I'm combining Low Fodmap with Low Fibre which is a total nightmare as this rules out even more food groups. Still, only another few weeks, then hopefully I'll be stable enough to challenge food groups. I hope to have this resolved soon. Cx

  3. He certainly is a splendid cat, Happy Birthday. Wishing you many more.

  4. Oh,QT,so sorry I missed your Birthday,you are sooooo handsome and those whiskers are amazing,hope you enjoyed loads of Birthday Treats great pics of you.I have never heard of those bags for The Slow Cooker,sound very handy.Hugs to all and a very special huggle for QT.xx

    1. Thank you Lee, I've passed on your lovely comments. It's good to see you visiting and blogging again, take care. Cx


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