Friday, 17 May 2019

QT in May

Hello there, QT here.
Last weekend before the family BBQ, I popped out for a patrol around the garden. It was a good job I did, as my people were eating outside. I never eat outside, all those bees buzzing about and flies in my food - no thank you! I can tell you what biscuit lady had for lunch - it was a corned beef and salad wrap. I know because she dropped some corned beef on the grass. It was a struggle to find it though due to a cataract forming over one eye, I overheard the vet say that's what the fuzziness is. Honestly it would've been kinder to have made up a plate for me. A bit more corned beef would've been lovely too with some grass, I can't stand bits of carrot, cucumber and lettuce in my lunch. They're a strange lot here.

The bee house saw a lot of visitors this weekend, they came in the house too! My people were running about with a jar and card, opening windows after the tall xbox players yelled - 'I've got a bee in my room!' Shush, can't you see I'm trying to sleep.

It was a lovely warm, sunny weekend, it does my old bones good to feel the warmth on my fur. I've lost quite a bit of weight, my people are worried about me. I heard the message on the answerphone from the Vet, an intrusion in my home I might add. It's one thing to be carted off in the carrier to 'see the nice lady' to make you better but when I'm relaxing in my own home, I really don't want to hear her voice.

Anyway where was I... arh yes, my weight. Yes well I've lost it, it's gone! It doesn't look like it's coming back either. My leg muscles have wasted away, I can still run up the stairs and jump on my their beds and the chairs downstairs. They feed me whatever I want really, the trouble is I don't always know what I want. They just get stocked up with my favourite food of the moment and then I go off it. I'm not being awkward, I'm just not keen on that food at the moment. I often cough up a fur ball, my fur comes out easily, I'm brushed, combed and given fur ball paste or olive oil on my food sometimes, but it's just in my nature to make a mess. It doesn't help with the weight loss though.

It seems I'm to visit the vets every 3 months to check my weight. They've checked my kidney function which is good and with blood pressure and thyroid meds I'm as good as I can be. Nobody listens to me though, I don't want to see the lady every 3 months. Can't she get her own date!

I feel fantastic when the sun's shining on me, I feel like a million dollars. At 18 years old, I feel good. I just like to rest more and take it easy, I'm retired and feel I ought to live the dream to the max. We've all got to do our bit and I'm trying to be the best retired cat that I can be. It's hard let me tell you.

Quiet moments of meditation, because I can, I'm worth it. I've plenty of spare time to be 'mindful' of my world. I know all the latest buzz words - retired, mindful, though who's ever heard of a cat retiring, ha ha? Psst, don't tell my people. Mr Land Rover lover thinks I've never done a days work in my life. I don't bother objecting, why should I, it's too much bother. Also biscuit lady is guaranteed to defend me, she think the sun shines out of my... arhem, you know where.

Ooh, I need to lay down, why sit when you can sunbathe, arrh my favourite bush. Biscuit lady keeps calling me as she wants a photo. What does she want me to do, give a big cheesy grin?
'I'm not in the mood for looking at you and saying cheese! The sun's in my eyes.'

Now if she'd bought me some cheese out here... At this time of year, every year I can be found here on a sunny day. I love it here, the smell, the shade and if I turn my head into the bush, I can see all the young birds learning to fly in safety. If only I was young and more agile, I'd teach them to fly.

Are you still there?
Please, just go away.
Step away from the bush.
I'll be in when I'm ready.

Bye from QT x


  1. Hi QT - enjoy the rest and sunshine - You've done more than enough to deserve it xx

    1. Thanks Lynda, I think so too, off to bed in the cat igloo. QTx

  2. A lovely post that made me smile. Have a good time basking in the sun QT.

    1. Thank you, I do my best. I'm looking forward to more sunshine soon, for now I'm off to bed in my cat igloo. QTx

  3. Ohhhh precious old cat....!!!!!!

    Dear QT, I hear you.... "I just like to rest more and take it easy, I'm retired and feel I ought to live the dream to the max." Yes! Yes! Yes! Everything about us now, takes a little longer to 'work.' But why not? Just you wait, till the rest of them, are our age. They too, will take a little longer. ,-)))

    Of course, you are luckier about your weight, than I am. Here, I've added, with age. No, not good, "they say." Just like "they say," your loss, is not good either. What do "they" want??? Perfection?

    Come on! I think we are doing pretty 'dern' good, as we are! We get around. We do the basics of patrolling our area. With naps in between of course. But we get the basics done.

    But now..... All this commenting, has made me kind of 'tuckered out.' Think I will find my version, of your lovely napping bush. And just catch 40 winks, or so.

    Catnip hugs, till next time we meet....

    1. Arh thank you W of W, someone else that understands me. I've worked hard all my life particularly when I stayed at the cat sanctuary (twice) I caught lots of mice - unfortunately at my 2 previous homes the people that I owned, died.
      Biscuit lady says that my present people are my bestest people, she says they love me more than anyone could and because I love being fed and the goodlife here, I have to agree.
      There's no dog here or small children, just me incharge of 2 adults and 2 teens that are very into their xbox, so I live a life of riley.
      My advice is to break things up with plenty of rest between 'jobs' Taking it easy is my speciality.
      Take care, QT x

  4. Archie agrees wholeheartedly with QT about corned beef, each time I open the fridge he's by my feet hoping that I'll drop him a bit. Lovely photos, he's such a gorgeous boy and is looking so good for his age.

    1. Thanks Jo, we love him so much. They don't miss a trick do they. When we first got him 4 yrs ago, he'd come running to the kitchen everytime a can was opened or a cooked joint was carved. We had to open tins of tomatoes etc using stealth skills or he'd hear. Cx

  5. My last cat was with me a long time so I know how hard it is when they get aged. I hope your weekend is nice. Teresa

    1. Thank you Teresa, our first 2 cats we had for 7 and 9 years each. One needed putting to sleep, which was hard. QT though he's 18 years old, we've only had him for 4 years. Take care, Cx

  6. What a grand old puss you are, QT. Taking care of your family's need of your comfort and affection all these years takes it's toll and you've certainly earned a quiet retirement. I can imagine how you've sat with those who are unwell, comforted them in times of sorrow and played games with them and I'm sure they appreciate all you've done. Enjoy the sunshine, QT. Best, Jane x

    1. Thank you Jane, it's very kind of you to recognise my finer points within family life. They do appreciate me despite accidently shutting me in the caravan today. Of course I took the opportunity for 40 winks and thankfully I was rescued within the hour. Cx

  7. Glad you are enjoying retirement QT. You absolutely deserve the very best, looking after all those people for what seems like forever. Have you tried boiled egg for a special treat? Mog likes these very much. Mog is the silly cat in one of the many picture books my people have on their shelves. Happy Sunday! Lupin from Glasgow

    1. Thank you Christina & Lupin, You are right, I do deserve the best. I have eaten a little boiled egg once when my people made stinky egg sandwiches, it was delicious! There are no Mog books in this house, though I may have seen one in one of my previous homes. Unfortunately my people don't know any of my history and I'm keeping quiet... the parties, the birds, the sleeping on the job... it's all hush hush. You might say it's all on the
      Q T ha ha.
      QT x

  8. Replies
    1. Thank you Nikki-ann for visiting and leaving a comment, Cx

  9. I cannot imagine taking my cat every three months to the vet...ugh! I hope your cat lives as healthy as can be! Lovely outside photos :)

    1. Thank you Karen, I know it's going to be expensive too. There's nothing else to check with him unless he has an ex-ray looking for lumps but at 18 yrs old he's just old. We're keeping a weight diary weekly and at the next visit we'll probably question how vital these visits are. Cx

  10. Very pleased to meet you, QT. You're adorable.

    1. Thank you T L B, that's very kind of you to say. Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment, QT x

  11. QT you are delightful, so furry and elegant. I bet you were a right rascal in your hey day.... rest lots and enjoy your retirement you've earned it looking after your human friends for 18 years.
    Snuggles and cuddles Julie & Midge (purr purr)

    1. Thank you Julie & Midge, I'm certainly enjoying life here with these people. Biscuit lady often asks me about my past people, I'm keeping quiet though. My life in the past, stays in the past. I will take your advice and have a rest tomorrow, QT x


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