Thursday, 2 January 2025

Christmas catch up

Hello there, dusting off my blog with a little update of recent activities. Happy New Year to you all. 
I don't really do New Year Resolutions, however if I were to, I'd aim to be more present with less scrolling. I'd list plans to read, bake and craft more with some home organisation thrown in too. 

Crochet Baby Blanket:: using up colours (purchased with birthday money). I've enjoyed using Rico baby cotton yarn. I purchased some cream acrylic yarn, to separate the bold colours. Just crocheting the border now. 
Photos from Instagram::  celebrating my anniversary last year, library books to read - some for the Summer Reading Challenge - I do this every year (six books over six weeks). Knitting all the greens. Birthday card poster from my parents. Covid back in January, first time. Baking for the WI Horticultural show. 

Finishing Books:: the last book in the Fairacre series by Miss Read. I'm taking a break this year from the Miss Read books. 2025 I'll will be reading the Monthly Book Club choice and one Agatha Christie book - either from the 'Read Christie 2025' challenge on social media, or one of my own AC books. Plus either library books or my own books.  

Family games:: Buzzer round challenges on the PS 2 
The system is old now for modern digital TV's, so it freezes a bit. 

2024 Advent Knit-a-long:: with the Victoria Methodist church - found on Facebook. A Star Table Mat.

2023 Advent Knit-a-long:: Noel table mat. The plan is the same as above, a short reflection and instructions for 4 rows of pattern. 

Reindeer Plant Holder:: A Christmas gift from younger son.

Reindeer thought lost:: found in the loft. Both on the kitchen windowsill.

Christmas Jigsaw:: Mark is busy with this one.

Rainbow Cardigan:: Knitted for the WI charity donation for Rainbow Babies.

Crochet Dog Paws:: crocheted for the WI Christmas Tree, part of the tree festival in the village church. 
The paw prints are stiffened with PVA glue.

Angus:: with his noisy squeaky Giraffe, don't be fooled by the cute face... it's a noisy toy! 

Church Nativity Scene:: knitted by one of the members. This is on display each year, it's a lovely tradition. 

Church Advent Calendar:: children take turns each week to light one of the 4 candles. The centre candle is lit on Christmas Day.

Church Christmas Tree:: beautifully decorated at the coffee morning.

Town Christmas Tree:: in the Market Square.

Mini Christmas Tree:: in the Bathroom

Off to do a little crochet now, this time is important to me. Daily knitting or crochet, time to unwind and relax. Until next time, bye for now. Thank you for reading, I'll be visiting your blogs this week. 


  1. Nice to see you blogging again. Wishing you and your family a happy new year and all the very best for 2025.

  2. Looks like it was a busy and festive month. Happy new year.

    1. Thanks Tammy, it's nice to look back on what you've made.

  3. It's so nice to see you posting, Cathy. A lovely catch-up. Happy New Year!

  4. Enjoyed catching up with you. Glad to see you back on your blog. Never thought of logging my last book of the year. What a fun idea! Enjoyed all the Christmas tree photos and that knit Nativity set is so neat. Hope you have a wonderful 2025!

    1. Thanks Jean, I'll try to keep blogging. It's good to look back at photos of things I've made etc.

  5. So glad to see you back here, Cathy. I'm reading 'Crooked House' at the moment so maybe we will be reading some of the same books this year. Good to see some of the projects you have been working on and to share some of your Christmas pictures. I wish Mark lots of luck with that puzzle. He must have a lot of patience.
    Happy New Year.

    1. Thanks Beverley, it's good to get back to blogging again.

  6. nice to see you and catch up with you!! I received a jigsaw puzzle for a Christmas gift, I want to start it soon! may you have another crafty year!!

  7. Happy New Year! it's loks like you have had a lovely Christmas.


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