Friday, 21 February 2025

Yarn News :: Five on Friday

Hello there, this week on Five on Friday, it's all about yarn. There are a few WIP's (work in progress), a finish and some hand cream to help with the knitting. 

I usually have several projects waiting to be worked on - a washcloth, a garment and a pair of socks are the main ones. If I crochet a blanket, or join the knit a knit-a-long for Lent or Advent, that changes things. I also have a cross stitch waiting to be finished too. It's simpler to concentrate on 2 or 3 and leave the rest waiting. 

1) Blue Jumper - originally knitted in mauve acrylic. I was persuaded by the yarn shop (many years ago), to knit this in a cheaper yarn. I was inexperienced at choosing materials and felt that it was a poor choice. My tension was likely very loose as it was far too big. I've started again in the correct yarn content 50/50 cotton & wool... it's lovely yarn, soft but holding its shape. You do need to concentrate on the pattern, as there's lots of counting throughout.  

2) Purple Washcloth - A finish, knitted in 100% Rico cotton. A good project for taking to Knit & Natter.  

3) Washcloth - knitted in broken rib - 1st row knit, 2nd row alternate knit & purl, repeat both rows. I took this with me to the village coffee morning (monthly). It's in the church hall, the volunteers serve tea & coffee in dainty cups & saucers. They always serve some baked goods, either toasted tea cakes, scones or other cakes. This week it was a delicious cheese scone, with lots of butter. 
I'm the only one that takes my knitting, one month I took the purple socks below to work on. 

4) Socks - King Cole purple self patterning 4 ply yarn. At the moment, I'm still knitting Winwick Mum's Sock-a-long by staying with the basic sock, I'm improving the fit of the sock each time. 

5) Hand care - recently my hands have been dry and cracked, particularly around my thumb. Previously I've used foot cream with Urea in the ingredients. It helped but I was hoping for something a little more natural. I've tried natural beeswax and the Aloe Vera plant rubbed into my fingertips. I've also tried drinking more water, as it seems if our bodies are dehydrated, the fingertips suffer first and can crack open. In the end, I purchased some O'Keeffe's Working Hands hand cream, it's not natural but promises good results. 

Overall taking care of hands, helps with the whole knitting experience. 
I was getting up early to spend 20 minutes knitting, before the day starts. It was nice and quiet, a time to think before the rush of the 'to do' list. It's something that I need to get back to. 

If you have any tips about taking care of yourself to improve knitting, do let me know?
Also any tips for not getting overloaded with projects waiting to be made?  


  1. I love seeing this kind of work. Sadly, I've never been able to pick it up, yet come from a long line of talented knitters and crochets. I'm not quite sure what went wrong :D

    1. I guess there are lots of you-tube videos that can help teach knitting, or a yarn shop possibly. I prefer to learn from a book, though it's good to have 'proper in person' help if you get stuck. I hope you try again one day, it's the new 'relaxing and self care' thing just now. I knit simply because I enjoy it x

  2. That looks like it's going to be such a pretty sweater! The working hands lotion is what I buy my husband for Christmas each year, I'll "borrow" it from him sometimes. Works wonders for cracked, dry skin. I like it b/c it doesn't really sting on the cracks like some of the other lotions. Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you Jean. That's good to know, my hands have improved since drinking more water and rubbing this cream in daily x

  3. I admire people who knit and/or crochet. My daughter does some of both and has different projects going. I never learned how to knit. Love the color of the washcloth.
    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you Rachel, I hope you try knitting one day. My Mum taught me and with the help of a good book and basic pattern, I've never looked back. I've tried a few other hobbies over the years, such as crochet, embroidery and cross stitch... but knitting is my preference x

  4. I am in awe of anyone who has several projects on the go. I can't even manage one at the moment :) The jumper looks gorgeous. Such a delicate pattern.
    I hope your hands are improving. I find that using an exfoliating scrub of sugar and olive oil will usually help. X

    1. Thank you Jules, I tend to do washcloths or something simple at Knit & Natter and a garment at home. Thanks for the homemade tip, it's funny because we had a lady come to the WI from Tropic (the replacement for The Body Shop at Home I think), she sold a similar product of oil and salt.. £24.00 she charged x

  5. I bought Eleanor some of that hand cream not long before she finished for her maternity leave as, working in a lab, she's constantly washing her hands and they get so sore. I'm not sure whether she tried it or not but I'd heard how good it was. Previously she's used Gloves in a Bottle and found that was very good. I'm still knitting baby garments at the moment but I'm hoping to get back to knitting for myself very soon, haha.

    1. Thank you Jo, it's good to know other's have found it helpful. All the best with your knitting, I love to see what you've made x

  6. The colours of your wash cloths are so pretty and would brighten anyones day to use them. I haven't knitted a large item for a long time but your jumper is already looking very cosy. I haven't mastered socks yet but I must give it a try. Have a lovely week.

    1. Thank you Beverley, if you want to knit socks I highly recommend Winwick Mum tutorial on her blog x

  7. I'm so envious of those that can knit. I'm just starting to teach myself crochet, which I know is far easier. I love your projects and the jewel colors in your washcloths are stunning! I've heard of people with extreme dry hands moisturizing at night and wearing gloves to bed for relief. Not sure how it works, but I know I've read that. Sorry I'm so late visiting but thanks for sharing link up! Blessings on your week ahead. xo

    1. Thank you Carrie, a good tip for the hands. All the best with the crochet, I like crochet too but always return to knitting x

  8. such lovely projects!! I know with my hands I have to do my moisturizing religiously or else it falls apart.

    1. Thank you Karen, I'm trying to apply moisturiser more often. I need to drink more water too, my phone notifies me but it's not always convenient if I'm just going out x


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