Hello there, how are you? It's been a busy couple of weeks, with lots of extra work covering for someone on holiday. At the end of the day I was just exhausted. Some decisions were made and lots of audio story listening whilst knitting and unpicking socks. There's been lots of watering to do in the garden and admiring the pink Peony showing off, as blooms do.
At church, our previous church leader visited last Sunday. I can't tell you how happy I felt to see them again. I helped the lady at school for a number of years in year 1, in Sunday school for a time and worked for them as their home cleaner. It must've been 7 years since they lived here, all our kids have grown of course! The church is advertising for a new minister and I think the congregation would love them back in a heartbeat. Once you've moved on, you rarely go back. Kids settle in school, then college etc and don't want to move away again.
Having travelled to visit family over the years when the boys were small, I know neither of the boys want to face that for their future. Years ago families tended to live closer together, before employment forced lots of moving pre 2000. With many jobs now worked from home, maybe circumstances are changing, where there's less need to move.

Mark and Johnny have been working in the garden clearing the stinging nettles around the greenhouse. At the bottom of the garden is a seating area with slabs, it has a gazebo frame that used to have 4 boxes one in each corner to keep it ridged. We've replaced the battered boxes with 4 new wooden boxes and planted them up. I scrubbed the glass table and swing seat (left by the previous owners) only for birds to blast them again. We'll need to source roof covers for both, to give protection from the birds.
Keeping with the bird theme, the sock yarn is Robin 4 ply WYS purchased from Yarndale a few years ago. I've tried knitting a couple of pairs of socks recently but each time they seemed baggy, too Nora Batty. Do
visit Winwick Mum's blog for a pattern and a wealth of knowledge all about knitting socks, including a calculation chart for a perfect fit.
Armed with renewed confidence and enthusiasm I started by unpicking the sock that I'd started. This one has 56 sts cast on. I've more sock yarn in my stash that I'm keen to knit into lovely socks, so I do hope these fit snug. Being a small project, they're easy to pack and take anywhere I go.
I'm taking a break from instagram and thoroughly enjoying the peace and quiet. With checking posts, stories and any links from those, plus all the extra posts, reels and general scrolling of stuff desperate for our attention; it became necessary to take a break. There are many lovely accounts that I followed on there but for my own sanity, I'm pleased with my decision. I've also taken facebook off my phone so except for Messenger that remains for our family chat group (handy to share photos and videos), I access facebook on the lap top only.
Though it's only been a week, I feel so much better. I'm working through deleting emails, duplicate photos and files from the lap top and phone. It felt strange not regularly looking at my phone during the day. Listening to audio stories has helped with that, as despite picking up my phone, it wasn't to scroll. I tried all the time limits etc but nothing worked. It's a slow withdrawal I guess, busy but with purpose and over time hopefully there will be less need.
I'm reading These Wonderful Rumours by May Smith. May records her life as a young school teacher surviving during the war years. Have you read this book, it was very popular when I was still on intsagram, especially in the vintage community following? I'm finding it slow and a little dull, each chapter is a new year. I may end up purchasing a second hand copy to slowly read through. The other book from the library was a cookbook, once upon a time I often read cookery books. Nowadays I find they just make me feel hungry.
Two audio books by Agatha Christie that I've enjoyed listening to on the library app. Sparkling Cyanide and The Murder on the Links. One day I hope to have read or listened to all Agatha Christie's books.
Well that's all my news at the moment, next week I plan to get back to de-cluttering and some weeding. Both are in need of attention, along with knitting socks of course.
Do let me know what you've been reading or creating.
Cathy x