Monday, 10 June 2019

Reading and listening - May / June

Hello there, I hope you are all well. It's been quite unsettled weather wise here this weekend. Windy, sunny and warm, rain and some heavy downfalls. I think it's due to be very wet this week. Thank you for leaving lovely comments on my last post. There's still time to join in with my Craft Project - Link Party, see link for details.
During the month of May I've been reading and listening to some stories during or in between knitting or crocheting.
By the way, the teens at dinner tonight advised me (!?) to give the reference to my usual opening (2 words) to my blog - follow the link if interested. 

Image result for maeve binchy evening class front covers

Evening Class by Maeve Binchy was read for the book-club in May. I'd actually read it over 20 years ago. It was an enjoyable read with many interesting characters. See here  for blurb and here for more titles by this author.

Book club Questions for Evening Class by Maeve Binchy 

1, What did you think about the story, did you enjoy it? Do you think it was well written, eg were you interested in the characters.
2, Compare Signora’s perception of Aidan Dunne with his family
3, Where is the author’s attitude toward the status of religion, class, women and law in Ireland reflected in this novel?
4, Do you agree with Brigid Dunne’s proclamation that “If more people had the guts to go after what they want, the world would be a better place?”
5, In a novel that seems to highlight the differences in generations, where does Tony O’Brien fit in?
6, When Fiona orchestrated the breakup of Dan Healy’s and Nora Dunne’s affair, what effect did it have on the story?
7, What do you think about the author’s device of connecting characters through coincidence?
8, How would you characterise the ending of the this novel?
9, Will you be reading more books by Maeve Binchy?

                    book cover of Leaving Everything Most Loved                   

I finished listening to this on audio, another of the Maisie Dobbs series of books. This blog post about the book looks interesting. It was early May that I finished this story, being part of a series it's advisable to read them in the correct order. I only started the series halfway through but won't be starting from the beginning. For me it would seem tedious reading the early books knowing what's become of her staff and relationships.

   A Place to Remember

I've just finished A Place to Remember over the weekend, here is the blurb. I really loved listening to this story. It was read by Kathryn Hartman listen here for a small sample. The slow (voice) start to the story, saw me nearly abandoned my listening choice. I am so glad that I persevered because it was a lovely story. There were funny bits and sadness built on decades of lies. After hearts are betrayed, should the truth be told and at what cost? Was there a happy ever after...? The author has given some questions to ponder.

Image result for 3 minute devotion cat loves

I bought this amusing little book, approx A6 in size at Cliff Fest. They had one for a dog lover's heart too. The link gives you a look inside at a few pages. There's a short daily reading bringing practical encouragement from God.

I'm off to read the next book for June's book club. There are 2 books this time -
The Scarlet Nightingale by Alan Titchmarsh 
The Woman in cabin 10 by Ruth Ware, my choice, so I hope it's a good one.

How was your weekend?
Have you read any of these books?
What are you reading now?
Do you use a daily devotional?

Bye for now
Cathy x


  1. "By the way, the teens at dinner tonight advised me (!?) to give the reference to my usual opening to my blog. "

    Please, what does this mean...?

    Is it the 2 large words, with which you begin this post? Which are a click-able link to some video??


    What does that mean

  2. Oppps, published too soon...

    Should have continued...

    What does this mean? What does it have to do, with your post, about crafting and reading?

    I know I don't understand "teen speak," so I will blame my non-comprehension, on that. -grin-

    Gentle hugs....

    1. Hi W of W to answer your question - Teens quote & reference everything and I mean everything! I heard them discussing a Star Wars film once, they regularly quoted bits from it. 'HELLO THERE' stood out to me - probably as they said it so often.

      I like Star Wars and particularly liked the greeting - HELLO THERE. I just paid tribute to their love of quoting & referencing by leaving a link - to the Star Wars clip - where my opening line / greeting came from.

      You are right when you question 'what does this have to do with crafting and reading?' Nothing...It doesn't!
      It simply explained where my greeting is from. My teens read my blog and funnily seem to enjoy it.

      ***By the way - when I say they advised me - of course I don't have to listen to them, or take their advice but as I always read the opening two words in the same tone of voice as the clip when I check it over - I thought I'd reference it.

      Sorry if this caused confusion, it wasn't my intention.
      Hope this helps, Cathy x

    2. Thank you for filling me in. -big smile-

      My first problem, was not being at all familiar with Star Wars. -grin- I know, it's hard to believe. But I am not.

      Quoting a line, from some old black and white film, I might catch on. -smile-

      And it's cool of you, to listen to, and act on your family suggestions. I love that.

      Well, I probably gave them a laugh, at last night's dinner!!! LOL

      ✨ 💛 ✨

    3. You are very welcome W of W. I think I've watched all the Star Wars films, though some of the newer ones I'm not so keen on. I'm a bit of a Darth Vader fan (Star Wars bad guy), which is weird I know but then I also love the Daleks (also bad) in Doctor Who too! Cx

  3. I am not reading much at the moment, preferring to spend time in the garden and on projects. I do use a daily devotional I am reading Daily Whispers of Faith, a years worth of encouragement for women.

    1. Very wise Lorraine, though reading is a relaxing pastime to have, unfortunately you don't have anything to show for it. Apart from a long list of course, and memories. Thanks for sharing your devotional, I think they're a good discipline to maintain. After my cat one, which is short and sweet with practical examples, I'll probably go back to the Psalm one, My Rock My Refuge - Timothy Keller. Cx

  4. They look like a good selection of books. I don't know what's wrong with me at the moment, I'm hardly reading anything, perhaps a chapter a day, if that. I'm sure my mojo will return again soon.

    1. Thank you Jo, I went through a phase of hardly reading books except for the book club ones. In fact I still don't read that many, instead I listen to books whilst busying about the home or crafting. Perhaps reading a chapter a day is enough for now. Maybe later you'll be able to read a book a month like Mrs. Tiggywinkle on her blog. I don't think there's anything wrong with you, Take care. Cx

    2. I set myself a target of 30 pages a day. Some days I read more, some days I don't read at all, but having something to aim for helps me to keep on track, especially if it's something which is hard to get into at first. The rule was set by my A-level English teacher a long time ago when I had to read Virginia Woolf! If I'm really not up to it, I read a poem because there's always enough time and energy for a poem. x

  5. I'm a reader and part of a book group at the local community centre.
    I haven't read any of your suggestions though.

    1. That sounds good Julie, sometimes at the book club, we have some very interesting discussions. Cx

  6. Obi-Wan - I love it! I think I'm always going to hear your opening in that tone of voice now. I've never read any of these authors but I do like to read about what other people are reading, so thank you. x

    1. Thanks Mrs T, glad you got the quote. As a family we do like sci-fi films, though I'm not keen on Space Odyssey or Oblivion. It's good to read, thanks for sharing your book reading too, Cx

  7. "Sourdough" by Robin Sloan is my favorite of books I've read lately, totally different and unique. I read "Circle of Friends" by Maeve Binchy and would like to read another of hers. Will check her titles out. I'm dying to find a good historic English novel in the manner of Rosamunde Pilcer.. any suggestions? ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

    1. Thank you for sharing the books you like Teresa. I'm not sure about 'historical English novels' in the manner of Rosamunde Pilcher.

      On there's a list of similar author's styles.

      This site looks interesting -
      Erica James & Marcia Willett, I'd definitely recommend but I wouldn't say they are historical. Miss Read books are good but very slow, enjoyable and very English village pastime. Cx

  8. I'm trying to find the balance between reading, crocheting and spending time with the family. I have my monthly book group book to read then I can start on ones I reserve from the library or get at a charity shop. I read the latest Maisie Dobbs, which was interesting because it was about the evacuation of troops from Dunkirk. I would go back to the beginning if I had more time to read this series to get a better understanding of her character and other characters in the books. At the moment I'm using the BRF daily Bible reading notes, 'New Daylight' or 'Quiet Spaces' and I also like the CWR publications.

    1. Thank you Linda for sharing your thoughts on reading, I've seen both those daily notes publications. I sent off for some free samples once and then distributed them to family and church. Cx

  9. I've read nearly all of Maeve Binchy's books (except the last one?) I adore her writing and character development along with all the plots. My weekend was great and relaxing. I'm loving my summer break so far, it's fantastic.

    1. Glad you had a good weekend Karen. I've read over half of her titles, I like Rosamunde Pilcher too. Erica James is my favourite author, she explores people's characters in her novels. I've just listened to Swallowtail Summer which was very good. Cx

  10. Thank you for the recommendations. I can't seem to get into much these days as far as reading. I am an audiobook nut so at least I still have that.

    1. That's good Meredith, I love listening to stories read to me. Also you can continue with chores and crafts, win win, Cx


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